Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Hi. ;) I'm Melizza Angela Delos Santos; "Meli" as my college friends would call me. Turning 19 next week. An accountancy student from Asia Pacific College. I like the colors blue and green. Currently staying with my grandmother in Tondo.  And, I started out this blog as a requirement in our research writing class.

This blog would be about the effects of social media on people's personal relationships today -- social or romantic relationship, that is.  Does it help? Or not?  In what way?  These are just some of my questions in mind.  I'm looking forward to having more questions, and answers, as I go along. =)

I chose this topic just out of curiosity. I have friends who have their respective relationships and access  on different means of social media. But not all of them are still together. Some already broke up. Some are still with that specific person that they're with from the start. However, I also know a few who would rather choose social-networking-friendships than that of personal-friendships. How do these two differ? How do each of these situations affect a person? Which is better? After all, I am just really curious if this is only an effect of the trend on social media. That, I have to know and share with you guys.

As I said, this blog is one of our requirements in research writing class. My professor said that this would help us as we gradually do our research paper.  I hope this would end up as good as I think it would be.

Enjoy reading! ;)

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