Wednesday, December 5, 2012

HW6: Survey Report

To supplement my findings for my research paper, I have conducted a survey.  An online survey.  I asked my friends – and some of my relatives, too – who were all college students from different colleges/universities.  But as usual, it was not easy asking for a favor on ramdom people. I mean, on those who are not really close to you, right?

However, I have gathered twenty (20) respondents throughout the long weekend – starting Thursday until Sunday evening. As I have said, I made an online survey, and I did it through Google Drive.  It was an all-essay survey.  I had posted ten (10) questions, of which one (1) was just merely concerned with the gender of the respondent and the other nine (9) were related to either social media, romantic relationship, or the relation of both to each other.

Of the twenty respondents, seven (7) were male and the rest were female.  At first, my goal was to get equal numbers of respondents, but due to the lack of time, I decided to just deal with what I have gathered so far.  However, through the results, I have seen that the opinions of men differs from those of the women’s.  Although, it has been provided that all of the respondents have a common purpose for creating a social media account – to communicate and be kept in touch with their friends and relatives.

Three (3) of the questions were directly related to the effect of social media on romantic relationships, which are: (a) have you courted by (or have courted) someone with and without social media? What could be the difference?, (b) If you were to choose between courtship with or without social media, which would you choose? Why?, and (c) Do you think social media sustains (or destroys) romantic relationship? How?

Courting with or without social media
Most of my female respondents said that it is better to be courted the traditional way – or personally, at least – rather than be courted through social media. However, four out of the seven male respondents (about 57%) thinks that it is also better to court personally, for them to prove their sincerity in courting the girl that they like.

Moreover, four out of all the respondents (20%) would choose to be courted – or court – with the help of social media.  One say, social media may be a big help because most people tend to post their feelings on their social media accounts.  However, another said that “the help of social media would be fine as long as it would be more on communication rather than the courting itself”.  But still, at the end of the day, courting personally – or without social media – is still preferred over that of with the help of social media.
Social media sustains or destroys relationships
About 60% (12 out of 20 respondents), of which 10 are female and 2 are male, says that it depends on the couple whether social media would be a factor to sustain or destroy their relationship.  Of the 10 females, most of them pertains that social media would only be a help if it is used for constant communications, otherwise, it destroys.  However, both men who said that social media may sustain – but may also destroy – one’s relationship said that it just have to be used accordingly so that misunderstandings would be lessen.

Overall, my predictions are confirmed.  In the background of the survey that I wrote before, I have predicted that most would probably choose personal over that of with social media.  However, I have also seen for myself – as I have initially wanted – that social media really does not only provide negative effects to people, because most of my respondents are still being positively affected by social  media – especially with their relationships.

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