Sunday, December 9, 2012

HW9: Chapter 2


What have been the effect of social media to its users’ romantic relationships?

Definition and classifications of social media.

Social media is usually defined as a common platform wherein individuals and communities create and share common interests to one another.  It may also be known as a group of applications which is built, established, and operates within the internet to be used by netizens in creating and exchanging user-generated contents.

Nowadays, it is often used as the new means of communication.  Some people use social media as their way of shouting their minds out, as their way of expressing what they feel.  However, some may have over used the easy access that social medias provide which makes them experience its negative effects.

Social media are on different forms, such as forums, weblogs, podcast, social networks, and more.  However, social networking sites – or simply social networking – has been the most common of all social media’s forms.

How could have social media helped people?

     A. Positive Effects
According to previous studies made in the United States, it has been a fact that social media has caused multiple changes for its users in many different aspects.  The most common help that social media had for its users is the convenience that it serves to every user for them either communicate to their friends and relatives, or meet new set of people, or even both.

Interpersonal relationships became an easy thing to do with the help of social media.  With just a few clicks, communicating or expressing one’s self became easy. Making new friends are just chats away. A few common friends are the usual key to meeting new set of people.

As said, it is already given that communication is one of the most common benefit that social media can offer.  Convenient way of communicating to one’s family whom they haven’t seen in years, who are a number of islands away, or even those who are continents away from them.  However, as Filipinos, “family” does not only pertain to those whom they are related by blood, but also those who are merely close to them at heart.

Moreover, according to a book written by Naomi S. Baron, having an account on different types of social medias – and being ‘always on’ can have an impact on one’s personal relationship more than its impact on the written language.  It has been showed in a study conducted before that many people choose to communicate online since they have the choice on who to talk to and who to ignore.

     B. Negative Effects
Although, another research shows that social media may have a negative impact on students.  The result of the said research includes the effectiveness of students when he/she is doing a certain task with and without constant checking on their social media accounts.  The more times the student checks on his/her social media account, the more un-productive they become.

Many people also think that the use of social media should be made along-side personal interaction, otherwise, one will end up prioritizing social media more than anything else.  Also, in the survey made recently made for college students, most of the respondents answered that social media may be used to express one’s feelings towards another.  But some says doing such is inappropriate.

With most of the people today, it is not hard to cope up and adjust to every change that social media has to offer.  Probably because social media is no longer new to these users.  Even the changes it brings to the romantic relationships of many are still considered – although not that seriously.

Filipino Culture on Romantic Relationships: Then vs. Now

Filipinos are being known for being loving and caring to the people closest to their hearts.  However, in the rise of social media, relationships have not been an exception to the changes that social media has in-store.

     A. Then: Traditions and culture
Every Filipino have probably heard of the traditions and culture of the Philippines when it comes to romantic relationships – especially in courting. How years ago, men are more than willing to do anything just to win the heart of the woman that they love.

Those years sound to be the one of the sweetest.  Seeing a man exert so much effort just to prove his love to a woman could be the sweetest thing a woman could ever imagine, and a man could ever do.

However, stories have also been going around being passed from one generation to the other were heard by some people. Stories which are about the typical Filipina who takes her family’s opinions very seriously. Somewhat like just speaking out the decision of the whole family to her suitor.  But just like any other story, this is not applied to every girl who gets the chance to be courted. Other girls just consider their families opinions but would still decide for themselves.

As said, this tradition has been the sign of sincerity of a man towards a woman. Although, as years passed and changes occur, social media had also started making its way into people’s relationships.

     B. Now: With the help of social media
Relationships may start either through personal interactions, through social media or could even be through both. Not any of the three ways of starting a relationship ensures a long and lasting one, but all surely promises of happy times with the one you love.

Relationships which started from personal interactions are the usuals. A man proving his love to a woman, getting to know each other, or simply going out and have dinner or watch movies – these could possibly be one of the most memorable things that a man can offer or give to a woman.  However, with social media, everything had become so much easier.

Meeting new people have never been easier.  Even the way of communicating to a special someone was made easy by social media.  Snail mails, phone pals, and pen pals are some of the most used ways of communicating.  But not anymore.  Social networking and dating sites have been starting to take over the internet for people to meet another who could be the one that they have been long looking for – or maybe the one whom they would consider becoming their lifetime partner.

However, Filipinos probably adapted the American way of dating. Most Filipinos nowadays have not been taking their relationships as seriously as how their ancestors have. “Modern” Filipinos have been easily affected by what is served to them, thus, making their relationships easily affected by even the simplest misunderstanding.

But still, many are choosing the old-school way of courting. They say it is still the same old way of showing one’s sincerity to another.  Although, since social media have been in the scene for quite some time now, it is not totally ignored.  Some still take some time to “stalk” and get to know another.  Personal communication would still be the choice of many when it comes to expressing their feelings towards the other.  They say personal efforts look and sound more sincere rather than those done through social media.

Nevertheless, according to a survey made recently, most of the respondents – who are mostly teens – had a united idea of how relationships could be sustained.  According to them, trust, communication, honesty, love, understanding, and loyalty should be made and exercised by both parties for their relationship to last.

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