Wednesday, November 21, 2012

HW4: Survey Cover Letter

November 21, 2012

Dear Respondent,

Good day! I am a student from the School of Accountancy and Business (SoAB) at Asia Pacific College.  I am currently conducting a research study entitled “Social Media: sustains or destroys Filipino college students’ romantic relationship”.  This study aims to provide the effect of social media on romantic relationship of Filipino college students.

Your participation will only involve answering a set of questions which I prepared.  It would only take a few minutes from your time.  You are voluntarily involved in the study, which allows you to stop at any time or not to participate at all.  I would not be including your name on the published results of the said study.  The said participation would not cost you anything except for your time in answering my questions, although the findings will provide knowledge concerning the effect of social media on Filipino college students' relationships.

For any questions or inquiries, you may freely send me a message or call me at (0917) 909-6607 or send an e-mail to

By returning this questionnaire in the envelope provided, you are considered to be a participant in the above project.  If ever you would not be able to send your reply via mail, you may send your answers to my survey questions on with the subject “Survey Answers”.

Thank you for your consideration!


Melizza Angela E. Delos Santos
SoAB student, Asia Pacific College

HW3: Communication, Trust and Respect

Have you seen documentaries about Filipinas meeting foreigners and ending up having a relationship with them? I love documentaries like that. I think, the last one I watched was featured in iWitness – a documentary show in GMA7. 

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The said episode was about the still existing post offices in the country today which is a bit risky since technology is mostly used.  If I am not mistaken, Howie Severino was the one who made that documentary. I really had to finish the story, maybe because I am really hooked with the topic – plus! I really like the way Howie Severino delivers every documentary that he makes.

Anyway, I was planning to watch the documentary again, but decided not to do so and do my homeworks instead.  I saw this article online.  It was about (and entitled) the Filipino-American relationships. The said article was made by Panda B of which I think is her personal blog site.

Her site was about Asian cultures, of course, including Filipinos’. Moreover, she discussed in the said article the past – up to the present – ways of dating and committing into a relationship of a Filipino and an American to each other.  Also on how it eventually evolved from by simply sending snail mails and long distance phone calls into communicating through electronic mails and video calls in the present. She even indicated in her post the start of the Filipino-American generations, and even had the chance to state that not all Fil-Am relationships succeeded but some also had to end.

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However, I would not deal with the past. I will be focusing on the present, since this is really what will help me (I think).  I am very much aware that “penpals” and “phonepals” existed in the past. Since, a pen and a paper, or a telephone, would be the most convinient way of communicating then.  Although, Filipinos – being able to adapt to changes quite fast – were able to catch up and adapt the changes made by the coming of technology.

Technology serving us with things which made our lives so much easier – including ways of communicating to others.  Communication was made easy.  Also socialization.  Meeting new friends and keeping old ones by mere communication have never been easier.  I guess it goes the same with relationships.

Many Filipinas would be seen happily strolling around the mall with their American boyfriends, or vice versa.  Well, we may say that they met through common friends, but most probably most would think that they met somewhere online.  The internet, being a very big environment, kept people close; and Filipinos always had the hospitable and friendsly side which makes them more attractive (or somewhat like that) to others, especially foreigners.

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Did I already mentioned that Panda B also indicated in her post that “There were also stories of heart breaks caused by the Filipino-American relationships. These stories range from geographical difficulties to cultural differences to illlegal and even criminal acts done by both parties.” This maybe the most common used reason of why Fil-Am relationships would not work: long distance relationships, inability to adapt to each other’s culture or even unacceptable acts done by both parties.

Although, I think these also are reasons which cause typical Filipino-Filipino romantic relationships to end.  Except the adaptation of culture part, because both parties are Filipinos.  But, at the end of the day, it’s always about communication, trust and respect which make relationship work. Or maybe at least, for what I think.  I don’t think the way of communication and the distance matter, as long as each party listens to what the other has to say, respect their opinion and just love them as much. <3

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

HW2: Change is good.

Have you ever wondered how you could have lived when you were born in another year? Where, in that moment, you are a totally different person? Like what if you were the parent of your parents instead of you being their child?

A few weeks back, my sisters and I went to our cousin's place. We fondly call them (our cousins) our extended sisters. We spent overnight there watching the first season of The Vampire Diaries altogether.

The Vampire Diaries (cast)

In the show, the casts were trying to relate the past and the present. With them being "vampires," along with their ability to live endlessly, it was easy for them to relate the present with the past.

I was getting hooked with the show and I am about to finish its third season now. But it just made me think about so may "what if" questions.

While I was watching, and thinking of my what ifs, I decided to open google and search about Filipino's dating culture: how it had changed through the years, and how the changes affected the people.

I saw an article entitled "Filipino Dating Culture" by Rianne Hill Soriano, an eHow contributor on eHow. In her article, she wrote how Filipino's dating culture has changed through time.

My mom -- with my aunts and grandparents, too -- used to tell me stories on how dating was like many years ago. Well, I think dating then was sweeter and more sincere than now. And what I thought was a bit "strengthened" by Soriano's article.

Although I have observed a few similarities, it was not impossible to spot the period's differences:

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Filipinos have always been family oriented, then and now. Although then, whatever their family says matter and shall be followed, but now, family's opinion still matter but is not necessarily followed.

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Then, first dates were supposed to be made for both the girl & a boy to get to know each other. Now, first dates is not really for 'getting to know each other' but more on 'getting closer to your heart' or something -- this is made possible with social media on the side.

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Many years ago, courtship is a sign of a guy's sincerity to show his love to a girl by going to her house, exerting efforts to show the family of the girl that he's serious about being with their daughter. But in the present, social media has interfered courtship making many men not go to the girl's house to court her anymore.

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However, dating places and follow up dates, has mostly been constant through years. Malls, since it had theaters in it, had always been the favorite dating spot of people -- well, also parks.

Moreover, maybe we should consider that the style of dating, as a fact, has changed already. Specifically since the arrival of the foreign people in our country. However, I think this is not a bad idea at all. ♥

Monday, November 12, 2012

HW1: Survey Questions

This paper will be focusing on the effects of social media on Filipino college students’ romantic relationship, and will be entitled “Social Media: sustains or destroys Filipino College students’ relationship”. I have finished the first chapter – the introduction – of my research paper which includes background of the study, statement of the problem, significance of the study, scope and delimitation, materials and methodologies that I’m about to use during the study, and some important terms listed and defined which I am to use throughout the study.

Also, I have already started to gather informations.  Most of my current findings are from different articles online.  Some of them are the changes from the past up to the present, how social media can control a student’s life, publicity being helpful to relationships or not, and trust on one’s partner.

However, since most of my findings are based on another culture, I believe that these findings of mine are still not sufficient to cover up what I need for my research paper.  I think these are just the beginning, I am still searching for things which may further strengthen my paper, such as the specific effect of social media on Filipino college students' relationships, the "evolution" of Filipino culture related to romantic relationships.

One thing that I am considering for additional information is a survey or interview.  I am planning to let college students – either from the school I am attending to (APC) or outside - to take the said survey. I am also considering adults who are not yet married but are having romantic relationships and has used social media to affect their respective relationships.

In the survey, I will be asking the respondents for their gender and some other questions which are directly related to relationships and social media.  I chose these questions for two reasons. One, I wanted to sort out the opinion of men from women. And two, well, of course I chose direct-to-the-point questions so I would not be wasting the precious time of my respondents. (Hihi!) As I said, I am planning to let college students, and some adults, to take this survey so that I would know how most of them look at this – and also realize how broad minded each of them are. ;)

I hope this would help me with my research study.  Actually, I am also really doing this because I wanted to let myself think (and also see for myself) that not all romantic relationships are negatively affected by social media.  Well, I’m hoping for your little help. Thanks in advance!