Monday, November 12, 2012

HW1: Survey Questions

This paper will be focusing on the effects of social media on Filipino college students’ romantic relationship, and will be entitled “Social Media: sustains or destroys Filipino College students’ relationship”. I have finished the first chapter – the introduction – of my research paper which includes background of the study, statement of the problem, significance of the study, scope and delimitation, materials and methodologies that I’m about to use during the study, and some important terms listed and defined which I am to use throughout the study.

Also, I have already started to gather informations.  Most of my current findings are from different articles online.  Some of them are the changes from the past up to the present, how social media can control a student’s life, publicity being helpful to relationships or not, and trust on one’s partner.

However, since most of my findings are based on another culture, I believe that these findings of mine are still not sufficient to cover up what I need for my research paper.  I think these are just the beginning, I am still searching for things which may further strengthen my paper, such as the specific effect of social media on Filipino college students' relationships, the "evolution" of Filipino culture related to romantic relationships.

One thing that I am considering for additional information is a survey or interview.  I am planning to let college students – either from the school I am attending to (APC) or outside - to take the said survey. I am also considering adults who are not yet married but are having romantic relationships and has used social media to affect their respective relationships.

In the survey, I will be asking the respondents for their gender and some other questions which are directly related to relationships and social media.  I chose these questions for two reasons. One, I wanted to sort out the opinion of men from women. And two, well, of course I chose direct-to-the-point questions so I would not be wasting the precious time of my respondents. (Hihi!) As I said, I am planning to let college students, and some adults, to take this survey so that I would know how most of them look at this – and also realize how broad minded each of them are. ;)

I hope this would help me with my research study.  Actually, I am also really doing this because I wanted to let myself think (and also see for myself) that not all romantic relationships are negatively affected by social media.  Well, I’m hoping for your little help. Thanks in advance!

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