Monday, October 22, 2012

Introduction (Draft)


A. Background of the Study

Social media can be defined as "interactive platforms via which individuals and communities create and share user-generated content”. Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content." (

The best way to define social media is to break it down. Media is an instrument on communication, like a newspaper or a radio, so social media would be a social instrument of communication. (

According to studies, the use of social media on a daily basis may affect the user’s way of interacting with people.  The common effect that researches would indicate is that people tend to indicate more on social media than on making moves in personal.  Different people handle different kinds of relationships their own way.

Currently, no one can totally say if social media consistently affects its users on a positive or a negative aspect.  Each user has their own side, and believes in their own perception.  It always depends on how they look onto things.  If they chose to look at anything on a lighter side, then maybe it would be a little less drama on their part.  However, if one chooses to look at everything on a negative aspect, then maybe mere use of social media affects him on his every decision.

Many definitions and words about social media and its effects are coming from different perspectives.  There may be some opinions which are almost alike with another, but at a certain point, there is always something which makes one opinion different from another.   On the same aspect, relationships such as family, friendly, professional, or romantic, are being handled and looked at from one’s own perspective. 

Filipinos are known for being caring and loving, especially to their partners – boyfrined/girlfriend or their spouses.  Back in the past, they are very much strict when it comes to courting a Filipina.  Many ways of courting are made by a guy to express his love and affection to a certain girl.

In Philippine culture, courtship is far more subdued and indirect unlike in some Western societies.  A man who is interested in courting a woman has to be discreet and friendly at first, in order not to be seen as too presko or mayabang (aggressive or too presumptuous). (

Traditional style of Filipino dating is still said to be practiced in some rural and suburban areas.  But, the rise of social media may have influenced this notion.  Younger generation, including college students, are meeting and getting closer to new people through social media.  Facebook and Twitter, for example, had brought impact on different Filipino point of views.

This research paper aims to enhance the understanding of the readers about the effects of social media on Filipino college students’ romantic relationships.  It examines the different ways on how Filipino college students handle their relationships, with the help of social media, nowadays.

B. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer this question:

  1. What has been the effect of social media on the romantic relationship of Filipino college students?

C. Significance of the Study

College Students.  This paper would also be able to help college students who may be experiencing things which may complicate their romantic relationships.  These students are mostly the ones who are starting up or may be sustaining a relationship, although are not very new on what social media can bring or give.  The researcher would like these students to learn on how to deal with romantic relationships  and non-stop use of social media all together without giving up as much as possible of either of the two.

Adults. Adults would also benefit from the study because thy are also users of social media, and they also have their respective romantic relationships on their own.  Also, the researcher believes that, through this study, adults who have children – who are currently studying in college – would be informed on how their children would be affected by social media and/or relationships, and let them help any other researcher on spreading information onto their kids.

Future Researchers.  The researcher believe that this paper would be helpful to future researchers who would like to do their research on any topic related to the one discussed in here.  This is because, this research paper could provide essential information and opinions which may serve as their guide for the development of their paper.

D. Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the effects of social media on the romantic relationships of Filipino college students.  But due to limited time, this study will no longer discuss the effects of social media on other personal relationships such as family and professional relationships.  This is only to give emphasis on the effect of social media on any romantic relationship of Filipino college students.  Also, as to social media, this would only give emphasis on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and the like.

Moreover, the researcher believes that social media is still in its peak of fame in the modern day, and romantic relationships would neither be falling – especially with regard to Filipinos. Therefore, this study would likely be relevant up to the near future.  Aside from time constraint, the researcher also considered the number of resources which could be used during the study.  This is due to the number of resources available regarding social media and romantic relationships’ effect on each other.

E. Materials and Methodologies

This research employs a descriptive method since the researcher aims to describe and to discuss the effects of social media on the romantic relationship of Filipino college students.  Details used for the study were mostly from articles posted online.  In addition, a few college students who are currently enjoying both social media and their romantic relationships are interviewed to strengthen the findings of the study.

F. Definition of Terms

  • Family Relationships - involve people to whom you are related in some way or the other.
  • Friendly Relationships - Relations that we share with our friends, peers, fellow workers, and other acquaintances are termed as friendly relationships.
  • Professional Relationships - Colleagues, clients, seniors, customers, and subordinates are some people with whom these relationships are likely to trigger off.
  • Romantic Relationships - the most beautiful and rewarding yet complex relationship that one can indulge in.
  • Social Networking - the grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a neighborhood subdivision.
  • Courtship - an important part of Philippine tradition and culture; It is a trademark of Filipino women to first play hard-to-get during dating and courtship.

(Sources: | |

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